Beginning Watercolor 002
- Tuesday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- Dates: 2/11/2025 to 4/29/2025
- Sessions: 10
- Location:
Rippowam (381 High Ridge Road)
Room 125 - Instructor:
Rosa E Colon
- $10 Non Resident Fee
This class is for the beginning art student who wants to learn the fundamentals of painting using watercolor as media. The principles of color theory and composition will be examined, and there will be a demonstration at the beginning of every class. A list of supplies will be sent to registrants prior to the start of the class.
Supply List for Watercolor class I recommend you to buy Canson watercolor pad, 140 lbs 9 x 11 Paints: If you already have a watercolor set, bring it (I recommend Winsor & Newton, Grumbacher or Cotman watercolors) If you wish to begin with individual watercolor tubes, buy the following: *Ultramarine blue *Cadmium yellow medium *Alizarin crimson *Cadmium red *Lemon Yellow *Yellow ochre *Payne's gray *Burn sienna Hooker's green deep *Mauve phthalo blue Watercolor Brushes: Round #3, #8 Flat # 6 and fun brush # 6 Accessories: Water container, watercolor palette, paper towel (Recommended Viva), spray bottle, sea sponge, tape and pencil. The success of your paintings depends on the good quality materials that you use.