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Painting in Oils and Acrylics 001

  • Thursday: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Dates: 1/23/2025 to 3/27/2025
  • Sessions: 10
  • Class is Full: Waiting List Available
  • Location: Virtual
    Off site
  • Instructor: Kathie Milligan
  • $10 Non Resident Fee


This course is for beginning and more advanced students. Beginners will learn how to mix colors and basic color theory including value, color temperature and complimentary color mixing. More advanced students will work on painting of their own choice.

Materials List Canvas or Masonite panels- 9½ X 12½ in or larger Optional- Primed watercolor paper, primed cardboard or canvas paper sheets Palette- 12 X 16½ in or larger. If wooden, treat with a few coats of paint medium, linseed oil or shellac before use. You can also explore a plastic palette and a paper palette. Try aluminum foil for storing leftover paint. Palette knife/Painting knife- for mixing paints on your palette and for painting with. Paint medium- One-part stand oil to 4 or 5 parts thinner suggested but use what you prefer. Or buy paint medium at the Art Store. A small plastic squirt bottle will eliminate the need for a Palette Cup which attaches onto your palette and can be used for your medium. (optional) Paint thinner- Turpenoid only Brushes- #2, 4, 6, 8 hog hair bristle. Chose from 1. bright (short square) 2. flat (long square) 3. filbert (oval tip) 4. round (pointed tip) Also sable and synthetic brushes Optional- rigger, fan Rags- Cut into 12½ in squares or bring Viva paper towels. Vine charcoal- soft - for drawing on your canvas (optional). Table or Portable Easel Murphy Oil soap-brush clean-up Gloves- optional Sketch book and pencil for formulating composition Viewfinder Oil Paint- student grade OK but get better quality if you can manage. Suggested Colors- Cadmium Yellow Light* Cadium Red Light* Alizarin Crimson* Ultramarine Blue* Cerulean or Cobalt Blue* Raw Umber Burnt Sienna Ivory Black Titanium White* Starred colors are must-haves. Materials for Acrylic Painting: Same as Oils with the following changes Paper Palette Plastic Palette Knives Acrylic Paint Medium in gloss or matte (optional) Acrylic Retarder to make the paint dry slowly (optional) Spray Water Bottle to keep paint moist


  • Class Fee $144.00
Total: $144.00

Note: Class has already begun. Call our office for registration