Bon Voyage! French For Your Next Adventure 444 New!
- Saturday: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
- Dates: 2/22/2025 to 4/12/2025
- Sessions: 8
- Location:
Old Town Hall (175 Atlantic St., Stamford)
Room 100 - Instructor:
Cecile Oursel-Govaers
- $10 Non Resident Fee
This beginner level French course will provide you with the basics for traveling in France (with a focus on Paris) or in a French-speaking country. Each session will focus on a typical experience of a traveler in a French-speaking country. Topics covered include: asking for directions, getting around on public transportation or by taxi, making hotel or Airbnb reservations, ordering food in a restaurant, changing money, telling the time, understanding weather reports, buying tickets for concerts and museums, and describing people and places. In each session, there will be skill-building exercises in grammar, conjugation, vocabulary, speaking, reading, and pronunciation, all related to the topic chosen for that session. To enrich your cultural experience, many thematic exercises will include authentic cultural material (i.e. songs, poems, restaurant menus, audio clips of weather reports, etc.)
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